Saturday, November 5, 2011

Don't Forget! Set your clocks BACK this week!

Don't forget, Daylight Savings Time ends this Saturday night at 2am. Make sure to set your clocks back one hour or you'll show up for church early enough to watch the band practice... Of course, if you want to get good seats, go ahead and come early anyways :)

Friday, November 4, 2011

Thanksgiving Dinner Tickets | On Sale Now!

MCC Family Thanksgiving Dinner on Wednesday, 16th of November at 7pm. Tickets will be for sale at the Connection Center.  $8 for Adults and $3 for Children.  It is going to be a time of incredible fellowship around wonderful food as we come together as a church family during this special time of year. For more information see Jessica Burns at the Connection Center

Last day to purchase tickets will be on Sunday, November 13th.  If you know anyone that may need help in purchasing a ticket, please go ahead and buy them a ticket.  Please be sure to bring your ticket with you, as well will be collecting them at the door.  We will not be selling tickets at the door.  Also, you can drop by the Church Office Monday through Thursday during office house to pick up a ticket as well

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Light the Night 2011

Amy Stone took some amazing photos at our Light the Night event this past Monday. You can check them out on our Facebook page here or on her blog. Thanks Amy!!