Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Weekly Message from Pastor Billy!

Hello MCC Family! 

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas here at MCC! There are some really exciting things happening this month as we wrap up 2011 and prepare to usher in the new year with thanksgiving and expectation for everything the Lord has planned for this church family! 

This past Sunday I began our Christmas series entitled, Home for Christmas. This series is inspired by John 1:4 which states, "The word became flesh and made His dwelling among us. We have seen His glory, the glory of the one and only son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth." This profound truth is the basis of our Christmas season and I couldn't be more excited to be preaching this message as our stage is set for our Christmas Production Table of the Heart.

You can purchase tickets for this production on Sunday mornings before, after, and in between services at the Connection Center, through our church office which is open Monday through Thursday 9:00 - 5:00, and online at .Tickets are $5 presale, and $8 at the door. Shows run December 10th and 11th, and again December 17th and 18th. Saturday shows begin at 8:00 pm and Sunday shows begin at 7:00 pm.

Also, for this holiday season, here are a few important save the dates: 
  • Christmas Eve Candlelight ServiceThere will be no Sunday morning service Christmas morning, December 25th, but we will be providing a Christmas Morning Devotional and encourage everyone to incorporate welcoming the presence of Immanuel as a part of your Christmas morning time wherever you are. There will be a Candlelight Service, which will wrap up our Home for the Holidays series, on Christmas Eve, December 24th, at 6:00 pm.  
  • New Years Day: we will have our normal 9:00/11:00am services New Years Day, January 1st. Come and lets usher in 2012 together with celebration and worship. 
  • Church Wide Seven Day Fast: I will be calling everyone in our MCC family to our first seven day fast of 2012! This time of prayer and fasting will begin on Monday, January 2nd, and conclude on Sunday, January 8th with a combined English/Spanish worship service at 6:00 pm! 
Join us this week and celebrate with us the joy of this Christmas season! 


Pastor Billy

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Save the Date! Home for Christmas

Pastor Billy will commence his Christmas Series (Home For Christmas) this Sunday, December 4th. This series highlights the profound truth that the Word indeed became flesh and made His dwelling among us and we have the privilege of communicating to our church that Jesus is the same God yesterday, today, and forever and longs to have the same relationship with us today!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Don't Forget! Set your clocks BACK this week!

Don't forget, Daylight Savings Time ends this Saturday night at 2am. Make sure to set your clocks back one hour or you'll show up for church early enough to watch the band practice... Of course, if you want to get good seats, go ahead and come early anyways :)

Friday, November 4, 2011

Thanksgiving Dinner Tickets | On Sale Now!

MCC Family Thanksgiving Dinner on Wednesday, 16th of November at 7pm. Tickets will be for sale at the Connection Center.  $8 for Adults and $3 for Children.  It is going to be a time of incredible fellowship around wonderful food as we come together as a church family during this special time of year. For more information see Jessica Burns at the Connection Center

Last day to purchase tickets will be on Sunday, November 13th.  If you know anyone that may need help in purchasing a ticket, please go ahead and buy them a ticket.  Please be sure to bring your ticket with you, as well will be collecting them at the door.  We will not be selling tickets at the door.  Also, you can drop by the Church Office Monday through Thursday during office house to pick up a ticket as well

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Light the Night 2011

Amy Stone took some amazing photos at our Light the Night event this past Monday. You can check them out on our Facebook page here or on her blog. Thanks Amy!!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Weekly Message from Pastor Billy (10/26/11)

Hello everyone! 
This Sunday, we were in Acts 9:32 - 43 and talked about, A Life that Displays God's Goodness!  This passage shows us the amazing work that God did in and through three different individuals; Aeneas, Dorcas, and Peter.  God wants to display His goodness in our lives when we are broken and dependent like Aeneas, through our compassionate service like Dorcas, and through extraordinary prayers like those of Peter! 
You can find a summary of this message on the MCC English page on The City, and you can also find the podcast by clicking on the following link:
Looking forward, October 31st, and our Light the Night event is right around the corner, and its still not too late to be a part of this exciting event! Thanks to all of you who were able to donate candy, we are stalked up and ready to bless as many families as possible! This event is a fantastic opportunity to put into practice everything we have been learning throughout our Lighting the World series! Come out and let God use you by being available and looking for miracle moments as we serve our community and love on people! What a perfect set up for an Acts in Action moment! If you are still interested in serving contact John Candler at! We can also always use more candy and more people willing to show up and show the love of Christ to our visiting neighbors! 
Also coming up in November is the Foursquare Men's retreat; Renew! The retreat is in Palmdale, Ca. on November 4th -5th. For more information, contact Chris Skaggs at or visit the connection center on Sunday morning! 
I can't wait to see you all on Sunday as we continue through Lighting the World; A Journey Through Acts and show the next installment in our Acts in Action video series, featuring our very own Mark Tremper! 
Pastor Billy 

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Weekly Message from Pastor Billy (10/19/11)

Hello Church Family!
This last weekend we not only ended our church fast with celebration and worship, but we also joyfully baptized twelve people in our church family and welcomed five new Members who completed our MCC New Members Class! I can't wait to see what God has planned for this next season as we continue to follow after Him and seek His will for lives and for our church! This is such a great opportunity for us to put into practice all that we have been learning through our current series Lighting the World; A Journey Through Acts.
If you were unable to make it this weekend, you can find a summary of my message, Two Keys to a Radically Blessed Life, on the 
MCC (English) page on The City, or you can listen to the podcast by clicking on the link bellow:
Looking forward, we have so many things coming up to be excited about! Coming just around the corner is the Foursquare Men's Retreat,Renew!, which takes place from November 4th - 5th, at the Highlands Christian Fellowship in Palmdale, Ca. If you are interested in attending, contact Chris Skaggs at, or sign up at the Connection Center on Sunday morning.
Also coming up is Light The Night, which will take place on October 31st! It's still not too late to sign up to help out or to bring in even more candy! If you are interested, contact John Candler at
And don't forget about or Thanksgiving Dinner which will take place on Wednesday, November 16th and our Christmas production Table of the Heart! For more information and for tickets, stop by the Connection Center! 
Excited to see you all again this coming Sunday! 
Pastor Billy

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Weekly Message from Pastor Billy! (10/13/11)

Hello MCC Family! 
This Sunday, Kristin and I had the opportunity to team teach with a message entitled Fasting and Prayer for Major Miracle Moments!  here are a few main points:
         1. Prayer and Fasting remove obstacles that stand in the way of what God wants to do IN US! 
         2.Prayer and Fasting remove obstacles that stand in the way of what God wants to do IN OTHERS! 
         3. Prayer and Fasting remove obstacles that stand in the way of what God wants to do IN SITUATIONS!
As we spend this week fasting and praying as a church, I am excited in advance to all that good will bring about as we focus all of our cravings and desires upon him and his goodness!  I am believing with you for major miracle moments and great breakthroughs in our church, our lives and for those we are praying for this week!
It's not too late to join us in our fasting for God to create major miracle moments in our lives, and the lives of the people within our sphere of influence! 
As always, you can find the podcast for this week's service at or by clicking on the following link:
Looking forward we have a lot to excitedly anticipate as we approach the Holiday Season! Coming first is Light the Night, which will take place on October 31st, in our church parking lot.  Our intention is to bless as many families within our community as possible, and to do that we need you! If you are interested in being a part of this event, please contact John Candler: You can also get involved by donating a bag of candy. All you need to do is go to the store, buy a bag of candy, and drop it in the orange bin located in the foyer. 
Looking forward to seeing you all again this Sunday, as we not only continue with our current series,  Lighting the World; A Journey Through Acts, but we also conclude our fast by celebrating with the twelve men, women, youth, and children within our church family who are being baptized! 
Pastor Billy

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Weekly Message from Pastor Billy! (10/6/11)

Hello Everyone! 
 Hope you are all having an amazing and blessed week! This last Sunday I shared a message entitled, Anatomy of a Miracle Moment. In this message I gave four keys to being a miracle delivery person:
1. Urgently request God to send you!
2.Ask God to give you His heart for His people!
3. Partner with the Holy Spirit! 
4. Risk. Step out in spite of discomfort or fear! 
I also gave a few main points on how to understand the make up of a miracle moment:
1. The Nudge 
2. The Cue
3. The Bump
4. The Prompt 
What God has prepared for you and I and for others is far better than we have dreamed! We don't want to miss out on God's best because we are just looking for something good! I hope that you have all been experiencing miracle moments in your lives this week! You can find a more detailed summary posted on the MCC English page on The City, or you can click on the link below for the Pod Cast.  
We also shared the second in our Acts in Action video series! Check it out by visiting the MCC Facebook page, or just click on the link below! 
Looking forward to this weekend, for an opportunity to team teach along side Pastor Kristin! We will be talking about prayer and fasting for big breakthrough!  
Hope to see you all there! 
Pastor Billy

Monday, July 11, 2011

MCC Movie Night | Trailers

If you missed our movie night or just can't get enough of all the amazing movie trailers made by our very own media arts team, you can watch them now here.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

MCC Handicap Access Promo

In case you missed it, here's a video from last Sunday highlighting our recent upgrade to our handicap access ramp.