Thursday, October 13, 2011

Weekly Message from Pastor Billy! (10/13/11)

Hello MCC Family! 
This Sunday, Kristin and I had the opportunity to team teach with a message entitled Fasting and Prayer for Major Miracle Moments!  here are a few main points:
         1. Prayer and Fasting remove obstacles that stand in the way of what God wants to do IN US! 
         2.Prayer and Fasting remove obstacles that stand in the way of what God wants to do IN OTHERS! 
         3. Prayer and Fasting remove obstacles that stand in the way of what God wants to do IN SITUATIONS!
As we spend this week fasting and praying as a church, I am excited in advance to all that good will bring about as we focus all of our cravings and desires upon him and his goodness!  I am believing with you for major miracle moments and great breakthroughs in our church, our lives and for those we are praying for this week!
It's not too late to join us in our fasting for God to create major miracle moments in our lives, and the lives of the people within our sphere of influence! 
As always, you can find the podcast for this week's service at or by clicking on the following link:
Looking forward we have a lot to excitedly anticipate as we approach the Holiday Season! Coming first is Light the Night, which will take place on October 31st, in our church parking lot.  Our intention is to bless as many families within our community as possible, and to do that we need you! If you are interested in being a part of this event, please contact John Candler: You can also get involved by donating a bag of candy. All you need to do is go to the store, buy a bag of candy, and drop it in the orange bin located in the foyer. 
Looking forward to seeing you all again this Sunday, as we not only continue with our current series,  Lighting the World; A Journey Through Acts, but we also conclude our fast by celebrating with the twelve men, women, youth, and children within our church family who are being baptized! 
Pastor Billy

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