Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Weekly Message from Pastor Billy (10/26/11)

Hello everyone! 
This Sunday, we were in Acts 9:32 - 43 and talked about, A Life that Displays God's Goodness!  This passage shows us the amazing work that God did in and through three different individuals; Aeneas, Dorcas, and Peter.  God wants to display His goodness in our lives when we are broken and dependent like Aeneas, through our compassionate service like Dorcas, and through extraordinary prayers like those of Peter! 
You can find a summary of this message on the MCC English page on The City, and you can also find the podcast by clicking on the following link:
Looking forward, October 31st, and our Light the Night event is right around the corner, and its still not too late to be a part of this exciting event! Thanks to all of you who were able to donate candy, we are stalked up and ready to bless as many families as possible! This event is a fantastic opportunity to put into practice everything we have been learning throughout our Lighting the World series! Come out and let God use you by being available and looking for miracle moments as we serve our community and love on people! What a perfect set up for an Acts in Action moment! If you are still interested in serving contact John Candler at! We can also always use more candy and more people willing to show up and show the love of Christ to our visiting neighbors! 
Also coming up in November is the Foursquare Men's retreat; Renew! The retreat is in Palmdale, Ca. on November 4th -5th. For more information, contact Chris Skaggs at or visit the connection center on Sunday morning! 
I can't wait to see you all on Sunday as we continue through Lighting the World; A Journey Through Acts and show the next installment in our Acts in Action video series, featuring our very own Mark Tremper! 
Pastor Billy 

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