Thursday, October 6, 2011

Weekly Message from Pastor Billy! (10/6/11)

Hello Everyone! 
 Hope you are all having an amazing and blessed week! This last Sunday I shared a message entitled, Anatomy of a Miracle Moment. In this message I gave four keys to being a miracle delivery person:
1. Urgently request God to send you!
2.Ask God to give you His heart for His people!
3. Partner with the Holy Spirit! 
4. Risk. Step out in spite of discomfort or fear! 
I also gave a few main points on how to understand the make up of a miracle moment:
1. The Nudge 
2. The Cue
3. The Bump
4. The Prompt 
What God has prepared for you and I and for others is far better than we have dreamed! We don't want to miss out on God's best because we are just looking for something good! I hope that you have all been experiencing miracle moments in your lives this week! You can find a more detailed summary posted on the MCC English page on The City, or you can click on the link below for the Pod Cast.  
We also shared the second in our Acts in Action video series! Check it out by visiting the MCC Facebook page, or just click on the link below! 
Looking forward to this weekend, for an opportunity to team teach along side Pastor Kristin! We will be talking about prayer and fasting for big breakthrough!  
Hope to see you all there! 
Pastor Billy

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